Lucan Sarsfields GAA Club

Founded 1886

Co. Dublin

Summer Camps 2025

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📣 Registration is open for the Lucan Sarsfields summer camps! 📣

We have 4 club camps, (all dual codes, Football, Hurling & Camogie)

They are open to children starting school in September all the way up to those who will finish primary school in June.  And previous experience is not needed - camps are open to everyone whether members of a GAA club or just interested in trying it out 😎

The coaches are all Garda vetted and have safeguarding (child protection) and a coaching qualification done. 

Every camp will include the new McKeever jersey and Customized Sliotar for every child attending. 

The Cul Camp booking will be released in the upcoming weeks!

Registration is is now open via or scan the QR code in the poster.

All other details are in the booking link 🏑 🏐 🏃🏻‍♀️ 

Thank you to for their continued support & sponsorship 👏🏻


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